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There are 72 results.

Haus der Zukunft

OPEN LIVING PLUS - building structures and utilization options with high social functionality and plusEnergie-standard for rural regions

In small to medium sized communities in rural Regions there is a high demand for sustainable building and space for innovative living facilities, to satisfy the requirements of current and coming life designs. The project’s intentions were to provide social scientific groundwork, develop building structures and utilization options of high social functionality and to transfer knowledge to decision makers in communities and regional authorities.

Haus der Zukunft

Office Building WKS - Plus Energy Office Building in Ernstbrunn

The new office building (headquarter) of Windkraft Simonsfeld AG in Ernstbrunn (Lower Austria) is planned as a plus energy building. From this excellent starting conditions it is intended to make seven more steps to explore innovative options for energy plus buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

Operational and maintenance costs in passive houses and low energy houses

How much energy does a passive house actually save? Does a passive house pay-off by itself? What are the costs for maintancence? For the first time an approximation for the running costs of a passive house were systematically documented and compared.

Haus der Zukunft

PEB - Plus-Energy-Office

An integrated technical energy plus office concept without additional building costs demonstrates the feasibility of such projects instancing a concrete office project with 50.000 m² floor area in Vienna with economical cost consideration.

Haus der Zukunft

Pallets never pall - Development of the Pallet House to series-production readiness

The winning project "Pallet House" of the EU-wide competition GAU:DI in 2007 consists of 800 (used) pallets. It has been exhibited in a scale 1:1 at the Biennale in Venice 2008 and has been developed for mass production within this project. Therefore, two exemplary scenarios were developed: (temporary) construction at Vienna's Urban Lakeside in Aspern and the construction of a low-cost building in South Africa.

Haus der Zukunft

Passive house Kindergarten with an integrated therapeutical group

Applied passive house techniques with locally available materials for a public building using limited funds.

Haus der Zukunft

Possibilities of urban high-rise multi-storey buildings in a timber-frame method with target course eight or more floors

Research of urban high-rise multi-storey buildings in a timber-frame construction method. Fundamental clarification of the feasibility in relation to the supporting structure, fire prevention and security. SWOT analysis as well as economic, ecological research concerning sustainable design.

Stadt der Zukunft

Probing for PV façade systems made of lightweight plastic modules with reversible fittings for new and old buildings (PV-FAS_light + easy)

Probing for a new, simple, cost-effective and building-integrated PV facade system made of plastic PV modules through initial investigations for fixing technology, for building physics, for fire protection and for electrical engineering concerning the usability, the areas of applicability and the yield and application potentialfor new buildings and for existing buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

S - House

Innovative Use of Renewable Resources demonstrated by means of an Office and Exhibition Building

Haus der Zukunft

SIMULTAN - Simultaneous planning environment for buildings in resilient, highly energy efficient and resource-efficient districts

This project enabled the opportunity for an essential energy efficiency increase within overlapping buildings, to achieve the objective of resilient cities and districts with respect to a high quality of life, resource sustainability and energy efficiency. The goal was a workable tool based on a multidisciplinary planning approach, to support the decision finding process in order to design both refurbishment projects and new developments within a highly efficient city.

Stadt der Zukunft

SUBURBAHN – test- and demonstration-area for urban development and mobility around public transport stations in the central area of Upper Austria

Targeted, process-oriented conception for the implementation and operation of a test- and demonstration-area for urban development and mobility in Ansfelden involving relevant scientific stakeholders, local and regional stakeholders, decision-makers as well as the interested public according to the living lab approach.

Haus der Zukunft

Sol2Pump - High efficient combination of solar thermal plants, photovoltaic and heat pumps

Targeting a high level of decentralised energy supply on basis of renewable energy, the project analysed the possible combinations of solar thermal energy, photovoltaic and heat pumps. The project aimed to maximise the domestic energy supply due to utilisation of the building as short term energy storage. In addition to that, several optimisation measures had been developed. The impact on the energy supply and demand will be economically assessed through life cycle costing. On this basis, the potential load transfer and the use of this kind of systems had been evaluated in combination with smart grids.

Stadt der Zukunft

Sol4City - Integrated solar supply concepts for climate-neutral buildings for the "city of the future"

Intelligent technology coupling to achieve high solar coverage of the buildings (multi-storey residential building) heat and electricity demand. At the end of the project, integrated energy supply concepts for multi-storey residential buildings based on high network interaction and flexibility potential, maximum surface efficiency of conversion technologies on site and high economic competitiveness are available for the broad applicability in the "City of the Future".

Haus der Zukunft

Solarenergie Urban - Analysis and evaluation of the economic, energetic and architectural quality of urban solar energy buildings

This project developed energetic and economic optimised planning criteria for multi storey residential buildings for the integration of renewable energy systems in the building shell. The field of new construction and refurbishment had been investigated.

Haus der Zukunft

Stroh-Cert: certification, logistic and quality management for straw bale buildings

Certification of straw bales as insulating material, development of a straw bale logistic concept and a quality management system as strategic measures with the aim of the dissemination of straw bales as insulating material

Stadt der Zukunft

The Box - Thermal High Performance Decoupling - Next Generation Thermal Break Technology

The project pursues the overall strategic objective "solution of the problem-inducing heat bridge". For this purpose, the thermal bridging losses should be reduced by the factor of 15 in contrast to the state of the art. The significant increase in efficiency should rely on existing system solutions, but incorporating a new holistic view in terms of construction, geometry and materials.

Haus der Zukunft

Timber Passive House at Mühlweg, 1210 Vienna

Low-rise housing with 70 units (200 residents) in solid wood plate construction designed to meet European passive building standards. Strategies for highly ecological and sustainable building within the economic constraints of social housing, Mühlweg, 1210 Vienna. Industrial pre-fabrication, ...

Haus der Zukunft

Urban consolidation Lehen - Subproject 8a: project management - documentation - dissemination and quality assurance

The project coordinates several projects in the urban quarter Lehen to ensure increase of energy efficiency and sustainable development. This subproject contains the coordination of the partners and projects in order to reach defined standards of quality, coordination and cooperation with the program "Building of Tomorrow" and other flagship projects as well as the documentation of results.

Stadt der Zukunft

VERTICAL FARMING - Investigation on requirements of a Vertical Farm-prototype development for crop plant production

In the center of interest stands the investigation of fundamental principles for a new building typology – the Vertical Farm. Urban vertical food production can contribute to more energy efficient cities by concurrently reducing land use. Substantial influencing factors to achieve these goals are intended to be revealed.

Stadt der Zukunft

VITALITY - Energy optimised design rules and integral planning approach for building-integrated photovoltaics in urban areas

The VITALITY project aims to provide supporting tools, design rules and robust information in the early decision and design phase of building projects. By providing the right information at the right time, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is part of the discussion in the concept phase and the implementation is strongly prepared and supported.