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There are 45 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

MEIDLINGER "L"-Participatory and scalable climate change adaptations in existing buildings at the intersection of public and private space

The project pursued an integral and interdisciplinary approach to climate change adaptation in existing buildings at the interface between public and private space. A scalable and multipliable model for Vienna and other cities had been developed.

Stadt der Zukunft

MISSION KS 30 - Mission Klagenfurt climate-neutral and smart until 2030

Updating the Smart City Strategy (SCS) of Klagenfurt to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and adapting the indicators to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. Fulfilling the participation requirements for the urban mission of Horizon Europe "100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030".

Stadt der Zukunft

NETSE - User orientated development of technologies and services for energy communities

In the NETSE project the basics for the implementation of energy communities are developed. This includes the relevant technical equipment and interfaces, the development of a platform for the operation of an energy community as well as tools for the optimization of the technical setup and the operation of energy communities.

Stadt der Zukunft

PhaseOut – Heat pump technologies in the renovation of existing buildings

The aim is the conception, optimization, implementation, demonstration and evaluation of innovative, minimally invasive renovation solutions (thermal renovation and heating system replacement) with heat pumps and PV in multi-storey buildings on seven identical buildings. The comprehensive comparison includes various technical solution variants based on modular and scalable building technology systems as well as multifunctional building components for the exchange of decentralized gas heating by central, semi-central and decentralized heat pump solutions.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus Energy Melk - Path for the realization of Plus-Energy-Districs in Melk

The city of Melk has set itself the goal of playing a pioneering role in renewable energy supply and climate protection. In this context, an initiative aimed at implementing Positive Energy Districts. Two urban development projects are currently underway to examine under which framework conditions, technical and organisational solutions Positive Energy Districts can be realised. A proactive participation process aims at informing developers and investors as well as other stakeholders about the realization of PlusEnergy concepts.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus-Energy-Campus - Energy-flexible Positive Energy District with "Living Lab"

The project explored paths to a sustainable, future-proof Positive Energy-District (PED) in the area surrounding the location of the University of Applied Sciences Vienna (FH-Technikum Wien). The feasibility of a new university building as a Plus-Energy teaching building had been examined in detail to prepare its implementation. Central innovation contents are the energetic flexibilization of the new building and the quarter as well as the conception of the Plus-Energy building as a "Living Lab".

Stadt der Zukunft

ReHABITAT-Settlement: Sustainable rehabilitation and activation of a single-family housing estate in Mistelbach

Exploration of a sustainable single-family house redevelopment, with a holistically conceived definition of sustainability that starts with people, is based on sufficiency and also takes into account green and open spaces, social factors and mobility. The result is an integrated overall concept at the house and settlement level, and a transferable approach for other communities.

Stadt der Zukunft

Reallabor 100% renewable energy Waldviertel

Under the motto "Always one step ahead", the aim is to develop a content-related and economic implementation concept for a "Reallabor 100% erneuerbare Energie Waldviertel".

Stadt der Zukunft

Reallabor Weizplus - Reallabor climate-neutral region Weizplus

Clarification of relevant questions for the potential establishment of a real lab in the region of Weizplus, which aims at a 100% supply of the region with renewable energies by 2030. The content-related technological focus of the activities of the future real lab is on all energy-relevant sectors (heating, electricity, cooling) applied to the focal points of energy efficiency and replacement of fossil energy in buildings, in trade and industry as well as mobility.

Stadt der Zukunft

Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism (R&DIY-U)

The project follows the aim to analyze and to strengthen the transformative potential of Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism with regard to a fundamental change of the existing poor sustainable handling of commodities in selected urban districts, their infrastructures and dominant business and private household practices into resilient areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

SYSPEQ - Systemische Lösung zum Betrieb von Plusenergiequartieren

Full-scale planning concepts for positive energy districts (PEDs) and their operation as energy communities (ECs). The focus is on the implementation in the existing building stock, especially in the area of social/non-profit housing. Financing options for renewable generation units, planning and operation of a PED (especially as an EC), marketing opportunities for surplus electricity and the development of an information and networking platform are part of this project. A special highlight is the practical proof-of-concept in Fuchsenloch, which is a social housing quarter of Sozialbau.

Stadt der Zukunft

Smart Pölten 2.0 Holistic view on a Vertical Farm in preparation for a demonstration project for the city of St. Pölten

The city of St. Pölten forsees great potential in Vertical Farming with regard to the objectives related to the concept of the Smart City program - linking local food production, quality of life by reducing resource consumption. This has to be evaluated by combining Vertical Farms with existing living buildings. Eco-social and socio-economic considerations play an important role in this process.

Stadt der Zukunft

SocialLowCostFlex - Collaborative flexible low-cost energy supply concepts for social housing

This project aimed for feasible low-cost solutions, which allow residents of multi-party houses, with special focus on social housing to profit and participate in the energy transition process and associated trends (e.g. community generation units, exploitation of flexibility). The results of the project are low-cost concepts and business models of community generation units and utilization concepts, tested for their feasibility in a social housing complex. These concepts are based on special requirements of different lifestyles in low-income households and take the framework of social housing such as tenant fluctuation into account.

Stadt der Zukunft

SolCalc: Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Stadt der Zukunft

Sozial100%Erneuerbar: 100% renewable heating and cooling supply in social housing - the demonstration project Käthe-Dorsch-Gasse

100 % renewable (on-site) heating and cooling supply in social housing while achieving good living comfort. Implementation, monitoring and optimisation of an overall heating and cooling system that has not yet been implemented in this combination (especially in social housing).

Stadt der Zukunft

StadtKlimaVISION - Preparing an urban innovation laboratory for climate-neutral urban planning: It's starting in Linz!

In StadtKlimaVISION, an innovation laboratory for climate-neutral urban planning in the city of Linz is being designed with the aim of aligning urban planning instruments more closely with climate change adaptation and climate protection and involving stakeholders from business, science and civil society.

Stadt der Zukunft

Stanz+ - An innovative, energy-flexible plus-energy district - the centre of the village Stanz

Stanz+ is working on the implementation of an energy strategy for structurally weak municipalities with specific measures for revitalisation and re-densification in the building stock as well as the integration of renewable energy sources in the municipality of Stanz im Mürztal (Styria). The project includes multipliable approaches towards energy autonomy, hybrid use of energy networks for flexible usage and an energetic revitalisation of the village centre with the involvement of users in the "Rural Pioneers Community" for the usage of energy services.

Stadt der Zukunft

TANZ - Exploration of a regional living lab: Tourism as an opportunity for the energy transition in Pinzgau

Exploration for a regional living lab to accelerate Austria's climate neutrality in 2040 in the tourism region of Pinzgau. Based on numerous preliminary works, model solutions (“Realtests”) for the innovation fields of sector coupling, energy communities and sustainable heating solutions were designed, the organisational structure of the living lab is developed and stakeholders were actively involved.

Stadt der Zukunft

Vertical Farm Aspern - Democratization of vertical farming under consideration of parameters of circular economy

Planning, construction and optimization of a vertical farm for urban food production, involving the users in the operational management. The building and the operator concept represent the entire food value chain, from planting to selling.

Stadt der Zukunft

Vilipa - Visible light based Person and Group Detection in existing buildings

Evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility of an occupancy detection system based on the technology of visible light sensing, which, in combination with the building management system, should reduce the energy consumption of buildings. The goal is to implement low-tech/low-complexity solutions that can distinguish between individuals and groups based solely on the detection of visible light reflections.