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There are 66 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

Villab – Exploration of a Villach innovation laboratory for the cooperative development of sustainable neighbourhoods

The "Villab - Probe" project serves to check the feasibility of an urban innovation laboratory to accelerate the transformation of Villach districts towards climate neutrality. Assuming positive feasibility, the cooperation with relevant stakeholders will be deepened and a business plan drawn up for a future innovation laboratory.

Stadt der Zukunft

ZQ3Demo - Implementation of urban Future Quarters including stakeholder integration and legally and economically replicable solutions

ZQ3Demo accompanies three innovative urban quarters in Vienna to demonstrate and further develop ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the implementation of Plus-Energy-Quarters (PEQ) on the basis of real-life examples.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

crowd2raum - Participatory co-financing models for socially innovative and sustainable reactivation for vacancies

As part of the exploratory project "crowd2raum", existing funding and support programmes are being combined with existing crowdfunding mechanisms (imGrä platform) to create a co-financing model for vacancy activation. This will be developed and tested in practice through the activation of four vacant spaces in the base zone in the defined pilot areas in Vienna and Graz.

Stadt der Zukunft

greening UP! Sustainable green maintenance, maintenance, maintenance of vertical greenery including legal aspects

Based on extensive surveys and analyses of existing vertical building greenery in outdoor areas (floor and system-bound façade greening) and vertical interior greenery, the project developed tailor-made green care, maintenance and repair concepts and addresses legal aspects. The "greening UP!" Knowledge pool with concrete recommendations and clearly presented findings as well as the conception of a digital tool for the "First Green Aid" complete the project.

Stadt der Zukunft

lieBeKlima - quality assurance of cross-property greening for urban climate resilience in the neighbourhood development "Am Kempelenpark"

lieBeKlima aims to initiate the implementation of a cross-property and cross-system greening concept for the "Am Kempelenpark" neighbourhood development. This will be realized with innovative, identity-creating participation processes and a comprehensive quality assurance process. The focus lies on an interconnected consideration of integral greening concepts with higher-level water management and plus-energy concepts.

Stadt der Zukunft

vilFIT – Villach Fit 4 Urban Mission

In this project, measures, strategies and the necessary capacity building for achieving climate neutrality in the city of Villach will be advanced. The focus is on social and structural innovations (participation processes, development of pilot initiatives, public relations, etc.) as well as the definition of networks and structures or controlling and monitoring instruments.