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There are 76 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

F4WM - Fit4WienerMission

Preparation for the EU Urban Mission by updating goals and strategies (Smart City Wien Framework strategy, Climate-Roadmap), developing a manual for climate-neutral Viennese neighbourhoods and concepts for the participation of citizens (Climate Citizens' Council) and businesses (Climate Agreements), as well as a city-internal capacity and structural planning.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities

The GeoDatKlim (Geospatial Data for Climate Neutral Cities) innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.

Stadt der Zukunft

GeoDatKlim - Preparation of an innovation lab - IoT and geo-AI-supported data management for the climate-neutral city

Preparation of a real laboratory that will enable numerous actors to research the actual benefits of urban data or their AI-supported analysis for a climate-neutral city. By clarifying strategic, technical and legal aspects as well as potential analyses along relevant use cases, the framework conditions for an open, multi-year research environment (real laboratory) in Vienna are set in motion.

Stadt der Zukunft

Green SandboxBuilder - Regulatory sandboxes in the field of sustainable construction and renovation

In the "Green SandboxBuilder" project, for the first time in Austria, the need for regulatory sandboxes for ecologically sustainable and climate-effective projects in the building sector had been systematically explored. The implementation of regulatory sandboxes in the Austrian construction sector can contribute to decisively accelerating the introduction of technological, procedural and social innovations and thus to achieving the sustainability goals.

Stadt der Zukunft

INNERGY - Real laboratory in the central Inn-valley for climate-neutral semi-urban areas

Sustainable energy supply solutions for existing quarters and industry had been surveyed holistically and cross-sectorally in a small-structured area, consequently pilot projects had been elaborated with the aim to build up a climate-neutral region.

Stadt der Zukunft

Ice-storage NEW - New economical ice storage concept for optimized heat storage using heat pumps and peak use of wind power

Development of a technically and economically optimized new ice-storage concept as a thermal wind power peak storage and to improve the performance of heat pumps as a contribution for peak smoothing of the electrical load profile.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

InSite - Monitoring and evaluation of innovative demonstration buildings

In the "Stadt der Zukunft" and "Smart City Initiative" programmes, a large number of demonstration projects have been implemented in recent years. To be able to evaluate the developed innovations in a uniform and comparable form and to make the knowledge gained accessible to implementers, InSite subjects 10 selected objects from these programmes to energy and ecological monitoring as well as sociological surveys over a period of 24 months. The interpreted results are publicly available as a published study and as an interactive online platform.

Stadt der Zukunft

Innovation lab act4energy

The Innovation Lab act4energy is set up as an innovation laboratory project. Its focus is to solve the problems of renewable energies integration with a focus on photovoltaic power paired with local consumption, linked to the the high fluctuation of renewable energies.

Stadt der Zukunft

IÖB-ENERGY - Public procurement for intelligent urban energy solutions

Assessment of the potential for pre-commercial procurement in the Smart City energy sector in Austria in the areas of innovative building technologies, urban energy systems and systems for urban planning. The results will serve as the basis for recommendations for future priority setting for public procurers.

Stadt der Zukunft

KLIMDO - Urban energy and climate strategy of the city of Dornbirn as basis for achieving climate neutrality by 2030

A central goal of the project is to obtain detailed knowledge of energy consumption, energy consumption flows and energy potentials including spatialization in the entire urban araea of Dornbirn. Based on this data, various scenarios are to be elaborated that map possible developments in the city. Subsequently, the basis for an energy and climate strategy based on the vision of climate neutrality will be prepared.

Stadt der Zukunft

KLIMUR: climate-resilient urban resource management for the case study of Zukunftshof and Rothneusiedl

For the concept of the Zukunftshof, an innovative urban agriculture area, development scenarios for an integrated energy and resource cycle system are to be developed using optimisation tools and parametric design studies. A roadmap consisting of technical concepts and a coordinated financing strategy will provide the basis for a demo project that demonstrates in practice how the Zukunftshof can be the starting point and basis for resource-efficient and climate-resilient urban development.

Stadt der Zukunft

LOW TECH innovation-lab - real laboratory for the transformation to climate and resource-saving energy regions with innovative LOW TECH solutions

LOW TECH innovation-lab aims to set up an innovation laboratory in which innovative model solutions are developed, tested and widely rolled out in cooperation with suitable pilot regions on the basis of an optimized approach with regard to the use of technology on the one hand and the potential of the circular economy, local environmental resources and social innovations on the other.

Stadt der Zukunft

LZE 100 Lighthouse Objects - Long-term evaluation of the energy consumption of 100 energy-efficient buildings in Austria as a representative cross-section of Austrian lighthouse objects

Collection, evaluation and analysis of energy consumption data from 100 energy-efficient buildings in Austria over an operating time of 3 to 25 years as a representative cross-section of Austrian lighthouse objects. Differentiation according to building types, energy sources and determination of real greenhouse gas emissions. Comparison of the measured consumption to benchmark values.

Stadt der Zukunft

M-DAB2: Material intensity of inner development - resource assessment and localization of urban development potentials

For the first time, the material intensity of inner development (in terms of material quantities) for different design variants is to be considered in the evaluation of inner development potentials. A set of methods for the holistic evaluation of potential areas and different development variants and scenarios for resource-saving inner development will be created.

Stadt der Zukunft

MISSION KS 30 - Mission Klagenfurt climate-neutral and smart until 2030

Updating the Smart City Strategy (SCS) of Klagenfurt to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and adapting the indicators to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. Fulfilling the participation requirements for the urban mission of Horizon Europe "100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030".

Stadt der Zukunft

Monitoring of multi-family houses “Tonpfeifengasse”

Evaluation of activated building parts as heat storage for renewable energy shown on the example of the multi-family houses "Tonpfeifengasse".

Stadt der Zukunft

Multi-WP – High-efficiency multivalent heat pump concepts for the thermal use of external air with geothermal storage

Optimization of multi-WP systems consisting of air-source heat pumps and geothermal storage with regard to increasing flexibility and efficiency from 30 kW for individual buildings as well as neighbourhood solutions and addressing aspects such as PV utilization optimization, mode of operation, utilization conflicts and noise pollution from air-source heat pumps. The project will establish the use of the heat source external air in combination with seasonal storage as a particularly efficient alternative for heating, cooling and hot water supply.

Stadt der Zukunft

OWA+Quartier - Sustainable refurbishment and energy supply for the historic Otto-Wagner-Areal towards a plus-energy district

Development of thermal and electrical energy supply for the Otto-Wagner-Areal as well as model solutions for construction and building services in order to initiate the redevelopment of the area in the direction of a plus-energy district.

Stadt der Zukunft

OttoWagner-ArealPlus - Feasibility study for a certified plus-energy-district-renovation of the listed Otto-Wagner-Area

Development of an innovative concept for the transformation of the Viennese Otto-Wagner-Area into a plus-energy-quartier while meeting requirements of cultural heritage management. The historic architectural jewel covers an area of ​​around 50 hectares, consists of 70 buildings and a gross floor area of ​​around 200,000 m². The solution meets highest energy efficiency standards and comfort requirements.

Stadt der Zukunft

PEQBacker: Integrated District Planning - Enabler on the way to a Plus-Energy District

Development of guidelines for the implementation of Plus-Energy District coordination units based on research of success factors, exploration of mission elements of existing structures and consultation of a broad stakeholder group with the goal of increasing the transformation of existing and emerging neighbourhoods toward Plus-Energy Districts.