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Stadt der Zukunft

# EEG+ digital energy communities

The project addresses issues related to plus-energy neighborhoods and energy communities, both of which aim to make buildings more sustainable. The aim is to explore synergy effects and to research a possible implementation as a demonstration.

Stadt der Zukunft

AFOM - Automatic failure and optimisation analysis by data-acquisition

In the project, methods will be developed for analysing measured value curves to detect changes in operation or failures in the system. By integrating BIM data of buildings, corresponding models will be generated to validate the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)-networks, which will be used for analysis.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIM2BEM Flow - Continuous BIM-based energy efficient planning

Automated integration and assignment of exchange requirements between the design and simulation programs, based on the elaborated exchange information requirements, should enable continuous energy efficiency planning along the design phase.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIM4BIPV - Future aspects of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) in cross-system BIM planning

Research into an end-to-end BIM planning flow for energy-optimised, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) that simultaneously generates solar energy, enables optimal use of daylight and provides shading.

Haus der Zukunft

BIMaterial Process Design for Material Building Pass

Building Information Modelling supported compilation of a Material Building Pass; as a qualitative and quantitative documentation of the material composition of, and the material distribution within, a building structure. This project is a central milestone towards standardized, BIM-generated building material passes.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMpeco - Environmentally relevant product data in collaborative BIM environments

Construction products can pose a risk to the environment and health due to their pollutant content or releases. In the BIMpeco project, workflows and data structures for digital information management of this environmentally relevant product data are developed. For this purpose, the new ISO standards ISO 23387 and ISO 19650-1 are tested and synchronized with established process flows. The project results will be made available on an open-source basis and can be integrated into any Common Data Environment (CDE) that complies with the standards mentioned. The BIMpeco project is the first to lay the foundations for product information management of environmentally relevant properties in the CDE, covering the entire lifecycle and supply chain.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMstocks - Digital Urban Mining Platform: Assessing the material composition of building stocks through coupling of BIM to GIS

The main goal of BIMstocks is the development of a method for the digital capturing of the material composition of the existing building stock for follow up modelling of an Urban Mining Platform as well as for the prediction of the recycling potentials.

Stadt der Zukunft

BTTAB - Broad-based testing of energy-efficient demonstration buildings with thermally activated building components

Buildings with thermal building component activation that have not yet been researched in as many federal states and application categories as possible will be monitored, which will include operating data as well as the experiences of those involved. The aim of this study is to take a general look at the various applications of the thermal building component activation technology and to evaluate and compare the pilot projects with the help of suitable evaluation criteria.

Stadt der Zukunft

Beyond - Virtual Reality enabled energy services for smart energy systems

Collaborative R&D project to develop the next generation energy services with the interplay of various technologies: Virtual Reality (VR), machine learning, physical simulation and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms.

Stadt der Zukunft

CHALLENGE - Highly efficient use of hot gas and waste heat in air/water heat pumps for plus-energy buildings and quarters

CHALLENGE aims to further develop the system concept for air-to-water heat pumps in such a way that they can be used efficiently and without the above mentioned negative effects in densely built-up urban areas. In concrete terms, validated simulations and a functional model of the overall system on a laboratory scale are to be used to demonstrate that the concept can save 10% of electrical energy, reduce the noise of outdoor units in summer to a minimum and prevent the formation of local heat islands.

Stadt der Zukunft

CO2-Demobau - Exploration of the feasibility of carbon-neutral model construction sites

By highlighting green innovations, networking with stakeholders in the construction industry and applying the findings of the previous study "CO2 neutrale Baustelle", the foundation is set for future carbon-neutral model construction sites. These construction sites will serve as best-practice examples in the fields of contracting, construction operations organization and technology.

Stadt der Zukunft

COOL-QUARTER-PLUS - GHG-neutral cooling of office and research quarters

Development of systems for the emission-neutral cooling of office, research and urban quarters on the basis of photovoltaic or geothermal energy supply and user integration. Life cycle cost calculations and analyses of grey and operational greenhouse gas emissions allow a holistic assessment.

Haus der Zukunft

EDEN - Developement of a structured data and preparation documentation with a minimized error-proneness for energy performance cerificates.

Current energy performance certificates hold major flaws. Therefore, the presented research initiative aimed at the development of a standardized and easy-to-use, generic Input-Data-Documentation, which ensures the quality of energy certificates for all involved stakeholders. During the development, the documentation had been conducted and for a chosen sample of representative buildings, which is expected to demonstrate the high potential of such a development.

Stadt der Zukunft

EM Städte - Monitoring and evaluation of urban energy flows

In the first phase of the project, the data source of the energy statistics will be analyzed. Based on the findings of the analysis a methodology on build up regional energy balances will be developed. The methodology will be integrated into the Senflusk tool and tested on five reference cities in Austria.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities

The Vienna Geospace Hub innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.

Stadt der Zukunft

GeoDatKlim - Preparation of an innovation lab - IoT and geo-AI-supported data management for the climate-neutral city

Preparation of a real laboratory that will enable numerous actors to research the actual benefits of urban data or their AI-supported analysis for a climate-neutral city. By clarifying strategic, technical and legal aspects as well as potential analyses along relevant use cases, the framework conditions for an open, multi-year research environment (real laboratory) in Vienna are set in motion.

Stadt der Zukunft

GreEnergieausweis AT - Ways of integrating greenery into the Austrian Energy Certificate

Adaption of the calculation models in the energy certificate in such a way that the greening of buildings can be depicted as realistically as possible and assessment of the acceptance of implementation by relevant stakeholders.

Stadt der Zukunft

Ice-storage NEW - New economical ice storage concept for optimized heat storage using heat pumps and peak use of wind power

Development of a technically and economically optimized new ice-storage concept as a thermal wind power peak storage and to improve the performance of heat pumps as a contribution for peak smoothing of the electrical load profile.

Stadt der Zukunft

KityVR - Artificial intelligence techniques to implement CityGML models and VR visualization

The goal of the project is to link 3D city models and virtual reality for energy-relevant applications as key-enabler for digital planning, construction and operational management. Missing data will be calculated using statistical enrichment methods.

Stadt der Zukunft

LINE-FEED - Plug-in Photovoltaic Storage for the Wall Socket

The project LINE-FEED develops technologies that are required for a photovoltaic storage system which can be installed by anybody by simply plugging it into a wall socket. The aim is to create a storage system for households in urban areas that do not have the possibility to install a photovoltaic system themselves.