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There are 57 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

# EEG+ digital energy communities

The project addresses issues related to plus-energy neighborhoods and energy communities, both of which aim to make buildings more sustainable. The aim is to explore synergy effects and to research a possible implementation as a demonstration.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

10., Rothneusiedl - climate model district Rothneusiedl: Preparation for the planned EU mission "New European Bauhaus"

Rothneusiedl will become a pioneering district for climate protection, climate adaptation and the circular economy. The existing RothNEUsiedl Charter outlines nine principles for making the district climate-friendly and inclusive. The dialogical and integrated process involves various target groups, including the planning and construction industry, future residents and businesses, in order to establish a local building culture at an early stage. NEB working principles are applied in order to support the parallel mission statement process.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

5th Gen HG - 5th Generation Heating Grid Neutal

In the 5th Gen HG project, an energy supply concept based entirely on renewable electricity and heat is to be developed for the municipality of Neutal in Burgenland and the neighbouring technology site. A newly designed 5th generation heating grid will form the local energy distribution backbone in the municipality. In addition to the technical and economic conceptualisation, the integration of local stakeholder requirements is a key feature of the project.

Stadt der Zukunft

Anergy2Plus - Demonstration and expansion of an anergy network as part of a holistic energy concept and plus energy quarter

The overall objective of the project is to pursue and demonstrate a holistic approach to the design, construction and ultimately the use of the residential quarter in the context of energy supply. Especially in the area of thermal energy supply, a project with lighthouse character on the way to a plus-energy quarter is to be created by demonstrating the innovative supply concept based on an anergy network.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMBestand - BIM-based management of existing buildings

The objective of this research project is to develop information requirements and process descriptions for the application of BIM models related to building services in facility management and to demonstrate the lifecycle-oriented use of these models in an open BIM environment. For this purpose, software solutions for the use of IFC in the open-source platform SIMULTAN and building management software are developed and evaluated on the basis of four typical use cases.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Baden climate neutral - Climate neutrality roadmap Baden near Vienna

The city aims to become climate-neutral by 2040.

Stadt der Zukunft

CELL4LIFE - Reversible SOCs as a link between electricity, heat and gas networks to increase the self-sufficiency and resilience of neighbourhoods

A system consisting of a solid oxide fuel cell and a Machine Learning-based control system for increasing efficiency and minimizing degradation is being developed. As a link between all energy supply networks, the system is intended to increase the self-sufficiency and resilience of plus-energy districts.

Stadt der Zukunft

CHALLENGE - Highly efficient use of hot gas and waste heat in air/water heat pumps for plus-energy buildings and quarters

CHALLENGE aims to further develop the system concept for air-to-water heat pumps in such a way that they can be used efficiently and without the above mentioned negative effects in densely built-up urban areas. In concrete terms, validated simulations and a functional model of the overall system on a laboratory scale are to be used to demonstrate that the concept can save 10% of electrical energy, reduce the noise of outdoor units in summer to a minimum and prevent the formation of local heat islands.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Carbon Accounting Pioneer Cities - carbon accounting and climate neutral cities

With the mission climate neutral cities the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology has set a focus that will accelerate the achievement of climate and energy goals through research, technology and innovation. As part of this mission, the Environment Agency Austria will accompany and support the pioneer cities in creating a harmonized GHG balance sheet for cities. The harmonized GHG accounting forms the basis for the targeted alignment of strategies and measures to achieve climate neutrality in cities and communities.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

City – Country – Climate: Four districts, one joint roadmap for a climate-neutral Gratwein-Straßengel

The aim is to initiate a structured and effective path towards climate neutrality 2035+ in the market town. In the context of the project, climate neutrality includes the topics of neighbourhoods and buildings, mobility and energy.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate Pioneer City Graz (KPS_Graz)

As an integral part of the ongoing Climate Change Mitigation Plan Graz process, the Climate Pioneer City Graz project with the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) will make a noticeable contribution to ensuring that the planned local processes and measures to achieve climate neutrality are implemented more quickly. This will be achieved primarily through the financing of additional climate protection experts in the city administration.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate Strategy 2040 by and with the municipality of Vöcklabruck

The municipality of Vöcklabruck is one of the first Climate Alliance municipalities in Upper Austria, a long-standing member of the Vöckla-Ager Climate and Energy Model Region (KEM) and regularly implements measures and projects in the field of climate protection.

Stadt der Zukunft

Climate communities

Transdisciplinarily developed climate-friendly solutions for decarbonisation of the building stock in small and medium-sized municipalities. The application of the sample solutions will readily identifiable through a web tool.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate neutral Wiener Neustadt 2040

Wiener Neustadt wants to develop its own vision and implementation strategy for climate neutrality by 2040 and develop it in four steps.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate neutrality roadmap St. Veit/Glan

St. Veit/Glan aims at advancing to a beacon for other small Austrian towns by developing strategies, measures and for building the capacity, necessary for achieving climate neutrality by 2040.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate pioneer city Salzburg

The aim is to draw up a master plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city of Salzburg by 2040. Together with stakeholders, development and urban planning processes can be analyzed, targets set and the necessary resolutions obtained. The exchange with the other pioneering cities is intended to ensure the broadest possible exchange of knowledge and to exploit synergies.

Stadt der Zukunft

Cool Windows - Windows with shading optimising the trade-off between summery overheating, wintery heat protection and adequate illumination

Windows with their associated components such as sun and glare protection are optimised as a holistic building equipment unit regarding different seasonal requirements in light of the climate crisis. The results serve as a basis for new developments in the window and shading technology in order to provide summery and wintery heat protection as well as adequate natural illumination over the year.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Decarb Alt Erlaa - Transformation of Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district

Exploration of a transformation of the Alt Erlaa residential park into a climate neutral district based on systematic potential analyses regarding structural measures, building technology measures and a sociological monitoring of the transformation process. The result of the exploratory study serves as a starting point for implementing the measures in a follow-up project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ECO-Transformation - Energy transformation through community building, sufficiency and serial solutions using the example of the "Cottage District"

Combining technical and environmental-psychological expertise to develop a transformation process towards a climate-neutral neighbourhood based on the methods of community building, sufficiency potential and serial implementation solutions using the example of the Cottage Quarter. Preparation of the serial implementation of the developed solutions and the transformation process.

Stadt der Zukunft

EM Städte - Monitoring and evaluation of urban energy flows

In the first phase of the project, the data source of the energy statistics will be analyzed. Based on the findings of the analysis a methodology on build up regional energy balances will be developed. The methodology will be integrated into the Senflusk tool and tested on five reference cities in Austria.